Herzlich willkommen
Martina Leeker ist Medien- und Theaterwissenschaftlerin, Theatermacherin/TheorieTheater, Theaterpädagogin. Sie unternimmt Forschung mit Kunst für kritische Wissensproduktion und fragile Widerständigkeit.

THE RESPECTFUL NETTHEATRECHANNEL attempts to understand the role of the digital in theatre and performance in and for digital cultures. We do so in conversations with artists from theatre/performance, and scholars from the Humanities, or technical sciences.
We also explore very practically the performative possibilities and regimes of digital environments. This becomes concrete within our digital stage on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@nettheatrechannel, and the Hashtag-Apparatus, visit: https://www.instagram.com/respectfulnettheatrechannel/, https://www.instagram.com/lotteleaker/, https://twitter.com/thenettheatre, https://www.facebook.com/TheRespectfulNettheatrechannel/, https://www.facebook.com/fannycyberton.
Team: Judith Ackermann, Anuja Ghosalkar, Martina Leeker, Kai Tuchmann